Main Image of Peculiar Dreams by Dominik Leitner. A woman with a double head.
Main Image of Peculiar Dreams by Dominik Leitner. A woman with a double head.
Peculiar Dreams is a collection of photographs that capture the strange, surreal and often unsettling worlds of dreams. Whether it‘s a world where everyday objects take on a life of their own, or a place where any and all laws seem to be turned upside down or completely deminished, these photos offer a glimpse into the hidden recesses of the mind. Dreams are a mysterious thing. We all have them, but we don‘t always know what they mean. Some are pleasant, some are nightmarish, and some are just downright bizarre.
But what about those peculiar dreams that don‘t seem to fit into either category? While some people believe that these types of dreams are meaningless, others believe that they hold hidden messages. When people wake up from these kinds of dreams, they often feel scared or confused. They may not even remember what the dream was about, but they know it was strange and unsettling. Dreams can be a way for our subconscious mind to process the events of our day and sort through our feelings. It can take some time to process what these dreams mean, but once you do, you can often gain valuable insights into your own psyche. In this photo series, I try to show off some of the more peculiar dreams that I have had over the years. These photos seek to capture the feeling of strangeness and unease that can come from a dream.
Peculiar Dreams by Dominik LeitnerPeculiar Dreams by Dominik Leitner
Peculiar Dreams by Dominik Leitner
Sophia Steinberger
Photography & Concept
Dominik Leitner
June 2021
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